Off the Block
Now in its 16th year, OFF THE BLOCK is an annual summer documentary filmmaking workshop organized by UC Riverside. OFF THE BLOCK exposes high school student filmmakers to the history of film and the documentary format as well as equipping them with the artistic concepts and technical skills necessary to complete their own documentary. Beyond learning practical filmmaking skills, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and team building, as well as positive self-expression through the arts. The award-winning program was created in direct response to the profound need for youth arts initiatives in the Riverside, CA area and is the only summer media literacy and documentary filmmaking program in the region. It is offered completely free-of-charge and all necessary filmmaking tools and supplies are provided to students.
It is staffed by curators, faculty, and educators from both UC Riverside and Riverside City College. OFF THE BLOCK staff, through their teaching experience in higher education, draw upon the CA state educational curriculum to develop effective and dynamic workshops and activities to impart film and media training onto students. During the program, students break into groups of 3-4 and are joined by a mentor (a program staff-member) who guides them through the filmmaking process. While working with their mentor and group partners, students also regularly convene all together to review footage, discuss ideas, and workshop their films. Beyond learning practical filmmaking skills, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and team building, as well as positive self-expression through the arts.
Over the past 15 years, the stories and projects that our high school students have produced have tackled difficult issues and revealed unique histories. These stories are told through a multitude of documentary techniques but have as their backbone stories from local citizens and community members.
Summer 2025 Workshop
Applications for the summer 2025 workshop are now open! Please note that while the program seeks to enroll as many students as possible, space is limited. An application does not guarantee a spot in the program. Program staff will contact applicants regarding their status on or around May 15th. Please review the information below before applying.
Application Eligibility & Returning Students
Off the Block is free of charge and no prior filmmaking experience is required. Riverside-area high school students who were enrolled in 9th, 10th, or 11th grade as of Spring 2025 are eligible for the program.
While we welcome returning students, priority will be given to first-time applicants to ensure more students have the opportunity to participate in Off the Block. The applications of students who are returning for a second year will be considered next, followed by those who have participated multiple times.
Students are encouraged to include a letter of recommendation from a teacher in their application. The letter can be uploaded to the application directly.
Key dates and info
May 1st, 2025 – Application deadline
May 15th, 2025 – Applicants begin being notified of their status in the program
June 7th, 2025 – Orientation for accepted applicants
June 24th, 2025 – First day of the workshop
August 1st, 2025 – Final day of the workshop
Off the Block will meet Tuesday through Friday, 10am to 4pm, June 24th through August 1st at UCR ARTS. (There will be no class on Friday, July 4th.)
Off the Block for Schools
The award-winning summer documentary workshop is now offered as an in-school workshop that can be customized for your class needs. Directly based on California CTE Standards and drawn from college-level curriculum, the outcome of this workshop is students gaining an understanding of documentary film production as well as knowledge of how careers and educational opportunities in related disciplines are achieved. For rates and more information, please contact Lindsey Hammel at lindsey.hammel@ucr.edu.
Sample Work
For more, visit us on vimeo at: https://vimeo.com/offtheblock
A very special thank you to UC Riverside’s College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS); the City of Riverside; the Riverside Arts Council; the Film, Television, & Video Department at Riverside City College; the Latino Network; the Spanish Town Heritage Foundation; the Wild Lens Collective, Epson, Mara W. Breech Foundation, California Humanities, and the California Arts Council for their past and present support. Photo courtesy of Steffanie Padilla.