Curator-led Tour
KD Ganaway: From Butler to “Race Photographer”
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Tour, 4pm
Reception to follow, 5-7pm
Free and open to the public
California Museum of Photography

Event Info
The exhibition, KD Ganaway: From Butler to “Race Photographer” represents the first contemporary museum presentation of the life and work of photographer King Daniel (KD) Ganaway (1882-1944) since the 1930s.
KD Ganaway: From Butler to “Race Photographer” is curated by Brenda and Tim Fredericks and Daryl Webb. Support for this exhibition is generously provided by UCR CHASS and City of Riverside.
Image: KD Ganaway, The Spirit of Transportation, 1921. Gelatin silver print, 9 x 12.” Collection of the California Museum of Photography, Gift of Graham Nash.