Artist Talk: Richard Allen May III
Free and open to the public
California Museum of Photography

Event Info
On Saturday, October 21, 1pm, UCR ARTS/California Museum of Photography will feature an artist talk with Richard Allen May III in conjunction with his exhibition on view, Be A Man: Richard Allen May III’s Exploration of Black Masculinity in a White Patriarchal Society. This program is free and open to the public.
After the artist talk, Richard will teach a collage workshop from 2-4pm. Registration is required for the workshop. Reserve your spot here:
At the Mercy of the Medium: Collage Workshop with Richard Allen May III
Richard Allen May III explores the intersection of male comic book superheroes, the social construction of masculinity, and systemic racism though collage and assemblage works that layer both materials and meaning. A close examination reveals the implications of these layers in American society – suppression, displacement, violence, and the fight for social justice.
Image: Richard Allen May III, Heroes # 2: Passages of Rites, 2007. Mixed media assemblage on wood. Courtesy of the artist.