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Conceiving Ada / Teknolust (Double Feature)

Conceiving Ada / Teknolust

Directed by Lynn Hershman Leeson

November 7th, 2024 6:00 pm


Conceiving Ada (1997)

This time-travel adventure film tells the story of Lady Ada Lovelace (daughter of Lord Byron), a mathematics genius a century ahead of her time.

Teknolust (2003)

In this sci-fi-drama, Tilda Swinton plays four parts, including Rosetta Stone—a scientist specializing in biogenetics who has created three self-replicating automatons who rely on sperm to survive.

This screening is part of SCREEN TO SCREEN, shown in conjunction with the exhibition Digital Capture: Southern California and the Pixel-Based Image World

“Screen” can be defined as a flat surface, a verb, a barrier, a pseudonym, a cover, or a tool. The films in this series are, in general, unified by their inventive and prescient explorations of technology, and by the screen in particular. These films examine and imagine what changes in human relationships are a result of technology’s position within them. The screen is now where life often takes place—films that explore this condition constitute their own genre. Each screening will be introduced by organizer and PhD candidate Sarah Grace Faulk, and a discussion will be moderated afterward for select screenings.

Film Details

Director: Lynn Hershman Leeson
Running Time: 85 min / 82 min
Country: USA
Release Year: 1997 / 2003
Rated: Unrated


“Sci-fi has rarely been so playful.” – Edward Guthmann, San Francisco Chronicle