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Glitch Domestic

Glitch Domestic

California Museum of Photography

August 24, 2024 to February 23, 2025

Please note that the works shown on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the California Museum of Photography (Lynn Hershman Leeson, Judy Malloy and Cathy Marshall, Liliana Conlisk Gallegos, and interactive technologies) will close on February 2, 2025.

Artists in thematic section: Liliana Conlisk Gallegos, Elisa Giardina Papa, Valerie Green, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Brandon Lattu, Judy Malloy and Cathy Marshall, Nam June Paik, Sonya Rapoport, Ilene Segalove, Sonia Landy Sheridan, Barbara T. Smith, Christine Tamblyn, Penelope Umbrico, Selected interactive technologies

As the 1970s rolled into the 1980s, digital technologies began to spill over from research labs and corporate centers into everyday life. More and more artists adopted new digital image-making tools, either excited by the tools themselves or lured by the increasing saturation of digital media into everyday life. They explored and intervened in how technology was upending or reinforcing societal norms, cultural practices, and individual identities. More pointedly, as digital technologies became ever more available and integrated into domestic spaces, many artists contended with the increasingly unclear boundary between the private and public realms. The television often served as the focus for these explorations.


“Glitch Domestic” is one thematic part of Digital Capture: Southern California and the Pixel-Based Image World, an exhibition that investigates the creative uses of digital imaging by artists over the last six decades. The exhibition spans galleries throughout both buildings of UCR ARTS, and is on view in its entirety from September 21, 2024, to February 2, 2025.

Image: Lynn Hershman Leeson, Lorna, 1979–82. Courtesy of the artist