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School Program: Archives Visit

Archives Visit

Explore a world of wonder with a behind-the-scenes visit to the California Museum of Photography's collection archives! Dive into photography's past and present with over half a million treasures, from breathtaking prints to vintage cameras. Guided by our experts, delve into highlights from our collection or customize your visit to fit your classroom goals.

Journey through photographic history as you:

  • Witness the magic of early 3D images with the world’s largest stereographic photography collection.
  • Explore the largest public collection of cameras in the American West.
  • Immerse yourself in the works of California’s finest photographers.
  • Experience Ansel Adams’s legendary Fiat Lux series, capturing the essence of UC campuses in breathtaking black and white.
  • Connect with the vibrant energy of 1980s Mexican photography.
  • Uncover the stories behind unique vernacular photographs.